Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Thursday, September 10, 2009

That California Blue . . .

Today, like you cold people, I sit in an office, but my window makes it all right.

I want you all to see just the shade of sky California broadcasts nine out of every ten days. Cloudless, consistent, periwinkle blue.

And yet I miss those fluffy thunderheads topping off my home state, Pennsylvania. I miss rain clouds coming down low and dumping like hell. In fact, I used to call California's panorama The Tyranny of Blue Sky--in a grumpy way. Let's mix it up a bit here, Pacific weather systems! Give me some cirrus! Some nimbus! Some cumulo-nimbus with a few airplane streaks! Give me a rainstorm I'm afraid of driving home in. Some desk rattling thunder. It's fun when everyone is scared. Even me!

I'm starting this blog because I often think of the stark differences between desert and east coast climes and what those climate differences do to those of us experiencing them.  It's taken me over a decade to become a Californian and give up my Pennsylvania Dreamin'. Can you believe I'm homesick for horseflies?

So what say ye, soon to be cold people? Am I nuts? What's the weather like in your neck of the woods. Do you hate it? Love it? What's your weird weather predilection?